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West Horsley Methodist Church
All are welcome


A brief history of Methodism

John and Charles Wesley were brothers who were Church of England clergymen. They were sons of a clergyman and were brought up in Epworth, Lincolnshire. Both of them studied at Oxford and John became a Fellow of Lincoln College, one of the colleges of Oxford University.

They were both devout Christians and whilst at university they met with other Christians in a group which was nicknamed The Holy Club. These members met together regularly for prayer and Bible Study. They also expressed their faith in social action, for instance visiting Oxford prison.

This was the beginning of Methodism.

Find out more at the Methodist Church website.

The West Horsley chapel was built and opened in 1876, as a result of a Methodist revival in the area. It has been used for worship ever since.

Our congregations have never been large enough to justify a minister all to ourselves, and currently we share Reverend George Quarm with other Methodist churches at Stoughton, Merrow and Sheerwater. Our numbers have fluctuated over the years, but we are currently doing well and in good heart, although we are not able to make any special provision for youngsters.

Over the years, the building has been modified to include replacement of pews with chairs, central heating, carpets, a new keyboard, an accessible toilet and, most recently a projection system. The hall has been rebuilt with an integral kitchen.

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The Street
West Horsley
KT24 6DD
(next to the village hall)

Unregistered Charity No. X65308

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© 2025 – West Horsley Methodist Church